Jan 14 1836 to Mar 5 1836 - PTR, Vol. 4

To the Friends of Liberty in the Uniled Stales of America We the undersigned, having been appointed by the Committee of Vigilance and Safely of this Departmenl, for the purpose of drafting an address, lo our brethren of the United Slates of America, most respectfully represent. That we are now engaged in a war, for the support of our Constitutional rights. In opposition lo a prepared military despot, destroyer of Constitutions and perverter of laws, on the rains of our Liberty, he has dared lo establish a system of Government, obnacious even to Aristocrats. The Citizens of the United States of America, by the Federal Colonization Laws, were invited as early as 1821 to setlle in the then wilderness of Texas, inhabited by numerous hostile Tribes of Indians, which had [illegible J all hopes of the most daring of the native Mexicans. To sellle the country large inducements in lands were held out lo those who hraved the Indian tomahawk, great numbers of the hardy adventurous sons of the United States emigrated hither, and on their arrival, were sworn to support the Constitution which had been adopted by the Mexican Confederacy in the Convention of 1824, which guaranteed a Republican form of Government, equal rights and liberal Laws. Texas confiding in the inviolability of the Charter, she flourished in peace, products, and population. In the midst of this repose and prosperity, the destroyer appears, in the person, of the successful military Chief Santa Anna, who had been raised to his present elevated seat, by his devotion to Constitutional Liberty, so soon as the despot, was firmly seated in the Presidential Chair, surrounded by his mercenary myramidons. A uxaso from his capital, destroyed the Federal Constitution, abolished the rights of the Stales, and annihilated even the existence, of State Legislatures, thus has the tyrant usurped the last vestige of the Liberty of the people, and offers to the settlers of Texas, either to abandon their homes and Country, or submit to the will of a military despot. Having received our birth in the country and immediate descendants of the heroes of '76, and inviting a love of Liberty, we have rallied around our standard, with our oaths recorded in heavens highest chancery, never lo crouch al Lhe footstool of a tyrant, or unnerve the arm in defense of the rights of man. We


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