(1789] [YATES to AUSTIN et al]
New Orleans Jany. 14. 1836.
~lt'~I'$. SF. Austin BT. Archer & W. H. Wharlon Cl,mmi5Sioners &c Gentlt'men.
I propose to offer my services to the Government, subject to your direction, for the purpose of proceeding immediately to tht' City of New York, and purchasing a Steam Boat, and having this armed. equipped and fitted for a sea voyage, and bringing her out to Galveston Bay, or such point as you shaU designale, loaded ,,ith such prO\isions, passengers & munilions of war as you shall direct · I believe I can purchase a Steam Boat at that City, & have her fitted and equipped complete, of about the base Wht of 200 or 250 Tons for Sl5.000 or $18.000 that I can procure a large number of passengers to go out in this, say 200 at $50. each, thal I can procure the munitions of war cheaper there, than they can be procured here, that I can procure an excellent Military Engineer, if needed, and that the whole can be obtained on a letter of credit of the Commissioners, payable at the time the sum taken out on the recently negociated loan becomes due, the Commissioners pledging the scrip to the amount of the sum required to secure the payment thereof. The advantages of ha,~ng such a vessel must be manifast, in transporting troops to any part of the coast, and in taking \'Olunteers from the United States to Texas, as well as in defending and protectinu the coast and I believe that the vessel could be at " , the Bay of Galveston ready for any services to which she might be destined in 60 days from this date. I would expect the Commissioners to --- ----------- ---~ the funds sufficient to cover any expenses, and leave the summation I am to receive to the Government to be determined on my return. I feel 1 a great anxiety to ai 1 d the country of my adoption in its present struggle, as far as my feeble powers are capable. ~t the present crisis, and am willing to leave my own prospermg busmess,
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