Jan 14 1836 to Mar 5 1836 - PTR, Vol. 4

For God and Liberty. General Headquarters Leona Vicario. January 14, 1836. Antonio Lopez de Santa Ana. Excellent Senor, D. Vicente Filisola, Second in Command of the Army of Operations. (1788) [STEWART to COUNCIL] To the Honorable the President and Members of the General Council Gentlemen I have the honor to acknowledge the receipt of two communications from your honorable body-One by the hands of your Secretary notifying me of my being held responsible for all public documents in my hands [torn] J udgc Hanks directing me to communicate with [the] Lieutenant Governor [instead of the] Governor in my official capacity and to hold the papers and archives of this office subject to his orders Upon deliberate reflection I am impelled to the conclusion that there cannot exist any other government than that created by the General Convention in November last until the reconvention of that body, Sworn to ohey the regulations and commands of the consultation whose chiefest act upon the weightiest deliberation was to decree the organic law. I am compelled to regard you as the legitimate Legislative power and your Excellency H Smith as the only legitimate Executive officer upon special nomination and con- sequent appointment by your honorable body I was made Secretary to the Executive Department and must consider myself responsible to you [torn] and controlled Ly the [torn] It is a source of very deep regret that there exists the necessity for me to [torn] in opposition to the commands of your honble body-but I cannot conceive there can be correctly any other course pursued by me. I take this opportunity to ·express to every member of your honorable body my grateful feelings of the unvarying courtesy and kindness by each extended me in daily intercourse, and my warm personal regard I have the honor to be Gentlemen with the highest respect your obt Charles B Stewart ·san Felipe Jan 14, 1836


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