Jan 14 1836 to Mar 5 1836 - PTR, Vol. 4


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That the Supreme Ruler of the destinies of nations may !!uide you by his wisdom in your deliberations, and that a form of :overnment such as the people shall choose, with a speedy and honorable peace, may be the happy result of your councils, is the sincere wish of

your fellow citizen, James W. Robinson.

San 'Felipe de Austin, Jan. 14, 1836. I 1787)


Army of Operations Excellent Senor:

With your Excellency's official letter of the 10th of this month I received a letter from Lieutenant Colonel D. Juan Cuevas [aide to General Filisola], of the 12th, in which he tells me that he had met up with Colonel D. Ricardo Dromundo in Salinas de Victoria, and that the following day he would be in Candela, where he should join your Excellency. Upon the receipt of this, all the want which that division was suffering must have slopped, as it will have received the ten thousand pesos assigned to it. I trust that your Excellency will immediately forward to General Ramirez the remaining twenty thousand pesos, as the distance makes another remittance difficult. It no longer being necessary to recruit more men for the army, the order which I issued your Excellency, from San Luis Potosi regarding this is not to be carried out. Your Excellency will adYise the Purveyor General, Colonel D. Ricardo Dromundo, that besides the food which he has been ordered to purchase, he must have from three to four thousand five hundred arrobas of hardtack made, which is very, very necessary. J especially commission your Excellency to have five hundred fat saddle-broken horses gathered from the vicinity, even from the nearby farms, which must be taken care of in good pastures, to replace the army's cavalry horses, which are in bad shape. The payment for those horses will be made when I arrive at that place.


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