Jan 14 1836 to Mar 5 1836 - PTR, Vol. 4

speedy means of communicating with that interesting part of our country; and I would ask your instmctions and direcnon~ to the post master general, on this subject. As connected with the interest of the people of Red River, a letter from the hon_orable John Forbes is herewith communicated, and the sentiments therein contained respectfully recommended to your consideration. I herewith transmit a letter of recommendation from major Arthur Henrie, in favor of lieutenant Henry Teal, and Jacob Snively, and giving notice of the non-acceptance of Mr. James Carter, of his appointment of captain in the regular army, all of which is respectfully submitted. The condition of our fellow-citizens at San Antonio, who were wounded at the storming of that fortress, and that of the garrison and town at that place, will claim your earliest attention. I am informed that many of the brave men at that post, are without the necessary means to promote their recovery from wounds received in your defence; and the troops stationed there are represented to be in want of the necessary supplies, and many of the unfortunate inhabitants reduced by the war, from opulence and east, to penury and want. Humanity and sound policy alike dictate the adoption of such measures as their misfortunes and sufferings require, and your philanthropy will generously extend; will be a fair and equitable remuneration for losses sustained by the campaign against San Antonio. The widows and orphans of the heroic men who have fallen in battle in defence of the rights and liberties of the people of Texas, or died in the service, expect you to extend a kind and parental hand for their relief. To generously reward those who nobly fall fighting for constitutional liberty, by wiping the tear of sorrow from the cheek of the bereaved widow and unprotected orphan, made so in our defence, is among your imperative duties, and will receive, I am persuaded, your willing and prompt attention. Allow me to submit to your consideration the necessity of proceeding by law, for the protection of the vested rights and privileges of our fellow-citizens who are settled, or who have claims to lands within or near the settlement of the Cherokee and other tribes of Indians: and I would also recommend the immediate appointment of a commissioner to treat with the said

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