Jan 14 1836 to Mar 5 1836 - PTR, Vol. 4

William L. Cazneau. Samuel B. Brigham. Thomas Stewart. Arthur Robertso~. John L. Alford.

i\'latagorda, January 11, 1835.

Having now, gentlemen, communicated all the facts attending the purchase of the William Robbins, and the re-capture of the Hannah Elizabeth, I have the honor lo submit them lo you for your adjudication. Whether it be a question of salvage, or whether she be a legal prize, she is, undoubtedly, the property of the salvors or captors, and as such, I present myself to you as the agent of the party interested. Trusting you will give the subject your earliest attention, compatible with your many and arduous duties, I have the honor to be, with high respect,

Your obedient servant, S. Rhoads Fisher.

Document No. 1

Names of those who fell into the ranks, and marched under orders, on the 21st November, at the re-capture of the schooner Hannah Elizabeth, (an American vessel in the possession of a Mexican prize crew,) according to their respective rank, as far as organized. S. Rhoads Fisher, Captain, William P. Corbin, Lieu tenant, L. H. W. Johnson, Surgeon, F. Desauque, Orderly, Thomas Stewart, Purser, William i. Cuzneau, F. Catlett, F. Frye, T. D. Dasher, Arthur Robertson, A. B. Fleury,

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