and arms overboard. A number of the Americans and two of the Mexicans, were taken on board the Bravo; the Mexicans were J.M. J. Carbajal, and Fernando de Icon. Allow me to advise you that I have, under dale of 6th. inst., addressed Mr. Royall a member of your honorable body, parlJy on this subject, requesting him to communicate the same, but fearing the letter may have miscarried, (as the hurry of business, on the part of the government, has prevented their establishing a mail route to this place,) I will offer you the extract "Ere this, I should have sent the government a full detail of all the proceedings connected with the re-capture of the Hannan Elizabeth, as taken down at the time, and the information received from the prize-master, Don Mateo, as written on the night of the capture, but it was left in possession of Mr. Catlett, who went round in the William Robbins, for the Brazos, to get an outfit, and has not yet returned. I would be pleased if you would communicate the same to the government. I was appointed agent by captain Hurd, for all whom it might concern, and shall therefore contend that she was a legal prize to the captors and to .the government, who are owners of the vessel: the proportion belonging lo them and the captors, the government itself will decide. I have a list of the names of all concerned, and their rank, and presume it will be settled according to the usages of the United States' navy." Let me also mention, that as Mr. Kerr did not pay any of the amount he agreed to, I left the property in the hands of Mr. Daniel Deerow, at the Pass, with instructions to deliver the same to him on his complying with his contract and own proposition; or to deliver him one half and return the other. ***** We, the undersigned, having been at the Pass during the sale of the wrecked vessel Hannah Elizabeth, and the goods taken from her, do certify that the foregoing facts and statements are correct, and transpired principally in our presence and hearing, to the best of our knowledge and belief. L. H. W. Johnson. A. B. Fleury. Farnham Frye. Francis Desauque. J amcs Harris.
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