Jan 14 1836 to Mar 5 1836 - PTR, Vol. 4


To his Excellency The Governor The Honorable the Council of the Provisional Govt of Texas. I am induced lo address your Honorable Body in relation to Tonage Duties claimed by the Collector of this on the Sch. Congress-owned and consigned lo myself-The circumstances of the case arc as follows. On the 25 or 26 of Decbr last said Schooner made this port, previous to the appointment or at least the arrival of Mr Collinsworth the Collector-and before said law regulating tonnage duties had been promulgated and reached this port. Said Sehr was entirely discharged and frl paid for the pass-not intending to return. Near the pass & in the bay the Captain undertook to take in some cotton from wreck of Sehr San Philip-While taking in said cotton a norther came up which rendered the vessel in great Danger of being blown off the Bank and lost. Consequently the Captain put back into the Dog Island anchorage commonly called the port of Matagorda. by this time the collector had recd the Tariff Law with his instructions &c. and claimed tonnage Duty-! am decidedly of opinion in as mutch as said schooner reachd the port some 2 or 3 weeks previously to the collectors arrival, the Tonage duty should not be claimed-I have therefore agreed to submit it lo your Honorable body-I abide your decission and herewith have sub- mitted to your consideration the facts as near as possible-Mr Collinsworth informs me he address you on the same subject last week- Your early attention to this subject will particularly favour Very Respectfully Your Ob st.

A. S. Clements

[January, 1836]

(1971 J [FISHER to PUBLIC]

To The People of Texas

FeUow-Citizcns,-I am weU aware, that in times, whether of civil commotion or international strife, it is not only important, but highly impolitic, and even culpable, to divert the public mind from graver subjects, by an open and public appeal in defence of individual character; >:el convinced of the prevailing opinion as Lo the sacredness of private reputation, I unhesitatingly, though


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