Jan 14 1836 to Mar 5 1836 - PTR, Vol. 4


[Forl Ilcnd, Texas January 31, 18361

[ Dear Sir:]

... I am now surveying ... 1 Lhink there is a chance to <lo well here now, money may be said Lo be plenty and Lhere is a greal lack of men of perseverance and honesty. Mr. Borden received me with great kindness; but he has been from home nearly all the time since he came home from the army he is engaged in printing at San Filipe. He will be al home soon and I shall know what I shall follow... . Many of our political men are of very common Lalcnls, and some grand rascals...

Moses Lapham

[To Levi Lapham, Mechanicsburg, Ohio]

[1968) [AYERS to SMITH]

San Patricio Jan, 1835 [1836]

His excellency Henry Smith Governor of the Provisional Govt of Texas- Sir On my arrival at this place Dec 25th. I made known to the individuals commissioned as 1st & 2d Judges and also to two of the three persons commissioned to organise the militia of their appointment. On the 26th. John Turner the 2d Judge recd his commission after taking the oath prescribed by the organic law as likewise did John Turner and John McGloin take the oath and recd the Commission as Commissioners to organise the militia. Mr Dani. 0 Boyle one of the Commissioners was and is yet absent from this place. James McGloin Esq was informed of his appointment as 1st Judge on the evening of the 25th. I saw him on the 25 several times without ascertaining whether he would accept or reject his appointment on the evening of that day I addressed him a note of which the following is a copy James McGloin Esq Sir In the name and in behalf of the People of Texas I call upon you for your acceptance or rejection of the appointnwnt of


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