your attention. I have thus far found no difficully as it regards the credit of the Government which is a fact highly honourable lo your Infant Republic. Proper care and a strict compliance with obligations will here effeclually secure it, no exertions on my part shall be wanting to insure that object I have advised the Commissioners al Washington specially of the situation of my accounts, and shall anxiously wail advices of the Government as to future movemenls. It would give us much satisfaction, & facilitate our business to be officially advised of the different revenue officers, or agents of the Government in the several ports. I have the honour to be Respecty your obt. scrt. Wm Bryan General Agl [1966] [SANTA ANNA Lo FILISOLAJ
Army of Operations Excellent Senor:
I am informed by your Excellency's official letter of the 29th of this month of the declarations made by Romualdo Perez, in the discharge of the commission which your Excellency had given him, which declaration shows a thorough knowledge of the condition in which Bejar finds itself, and I am also advised of the disposition of the Military Commander of Nacodoches, and also of the fact that your Excellency has decided the the afore-mentioned Perez will remain in that city. Upon my arrival there I shall order what is best for the good disposition of the above-mentioned Commandant of Nacodoches. For God and Liberty. General Headquarters of Leona Vicario. January 3I, 1836. Antonio Lopez de Sta. Ana. Most Excellent Senor, General D. Vicente Filisola, Second in Command of the Army of Operations.
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