[1965 I [BRYAN Lo Si\lJTII]
Agency office New Orleans January 31st 1836
No 6. To His Exccllancy Henry Smith Gov of Texas Sir
I have the honour lo enclose duplicate of my respects of 26th pr the Emeline Captn Fuller by which vessel you had also Mr Halls letter covering invoices. l have given orders and shall continue to give them lo all Captains lo cl<:slroy my communications lo the Government, should there be any fcars of Capture. You will receive from the purchasing Agent an invoice by this vessel. The Cash funds of the agency arc now reduce lo about Five hundred Dollars. l name it that your Government may be more fully impressed with my remarks in duplicate enclosed. The Independence will sail in six days completely fitted for 4 mos. A Mexican vessel called the Venus, will sail about the same Lime, intended for a Govt. vessel. She is aLouL 100 Lons not a fast sailer & Masts set far aft, schooner rigged square lower yards, short topsail yard, sliding gunler Royal masts fore and aft, two small white streaks, has four double fortified Six Pounders, sets a GilaGil boom & main Gaft Topsail. I know of no other vessel certainly intended for the Mexican service. If I see others shall advise you. The Commissioners named to the agency that they should advise with the Government in regard lo the confusion in our accounts which necessarily resulted, from appointing special Agents at this place, for particular purchases. We would respectfully recalI their opinion lo mind, and name that from the circumstances under which we are placed, we can always make more advantageous purchases than a stranger, and gain more advantages on time, & that a mulliplicily of Agents usually tends to injure the credit of the Government. We would remark however that it would always give us pleasure lo see any officer appointed by the Government, lo supervise purchases, or examine the accounts of our office. Your Excellancy is well aware that where the responsibility rests of a faithful discharge of a public trust, there should fully rest the power to insure its proper execution and Lhis must be our apology for intruding these observations on
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