Jan 14 1836 to Mar 5 1836 - PTR, Vol. 4

an order to the Commander of Bejar, advising or directing the destruction of all the works of defence and an abandonment of that Post. Your committee therefore advise, that an express be sent immediately lo Bejar, with orders from the acting Governor countermanding the orders of Genl Houston, and that the Commandant be required to put the place in the best possible stale for defence, with assurances that every possible effort is making to strengthen, supply and provision the Garrison, and in no case to abandon or surrender the place unless in the last extremity. 4th. The advisory Committee are of opinion that no further necessity exists of increasing the number of troops now al Bejar, beyond those that are already there, or on their way to that place.-and therefore advise that an express be sent immediately to the Town of Washington, requiring John Lott the Government [agent] at that place, lo direct all volunteers from the United Stales or elsewhere, passing through that place, to proceed direct lo Goliad or Copano, where the Government supplies are generally stored and where they will receive orders for their future movements. In conclusion the Committee advise that the utmost vigilance and promptness is necessary on the part of the acting Governor lo sustain himself in the exercise of his official du ties, with all the aids that can be afforded by the advisory Committee;-with a hope that a quorum of the Council will soon be formed, which will give greater confidence and energy to the Government, we subscribe ourselves Your Excellency's Advisory Committee &c

D. C. Barrett J. D. Clements Alexr Thomson G. A. Pattillo


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