Jan 14 1836 to Mar 5 1836 - PTR, Vol. 4

swindling the public, bul the new Govt. of Texas, with J. W. Robinson at the head, may justly be considered as an anomaly in the history of the civilized world. I can only look up to you as our agents to correct these evils by sending aid from the U.S. to first exterminate our internal enemies, who are far more to be dreaded than our external ones. Texas never can prosper until corrections are made at home, the work has to commence in this very town, where much of the mischief has been planned. I enclose you a short and hurried publication, of which, howe\'er, you can know hut little without the context. Before the Convention meets I will come out with a general exposition. Wishing your efforts may be crowned with every anticipated success, and that your patriotic exertions in the land of liberty may enable Texas to claim her rank among the free and enlightened nations of the earth, is the fervent prayer of your obl. servant, Henry Smith, Governor. To the Hon. Stephen F. Austin, Agent for the People of Texas lo the l:nited States of America, Washingtoi1 City. (1964) [BARRETT, et al, to ROBINSON] Council Hall San Felipe de Austin Jany 31, 1836 The advisory Committee to the Executive appointed to act in that capacity, in the event of there not being a quorum of the Council present;-Cannol but see that great confusion prevails throughout the arrangments and in exercising the duLies of the Provisional Government; The origin and continuance of these difficulties are also apparent, and this slate of things we fear will remain unless the inconsistencies and unyielding obstinacy of Henry Smith, shall be rendered harmless and inefficient by the prompt, wise, and vigorous exertions of the present legal Executive, sustained by the General Council. To this end;-The advisory Committee are of opinion, that the four following propositions be submitted, to his Excellency, the Acting Governor, for his consideration and correspondent action. 1st. Thal the Acting Governor be advised to issue a short, pointed, and comprehensive Executive Stale paper, in nature of a


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