[1963] [SMITH to AUSTIN I
San Felipe de Austin, January 30, "I 836.
Respected Sir:
I have just received by mail from N. Orleans your favor of the 10th inst., signed by the commissioners, of which you are one, together with the stipulations of a contract for a loan of $200,000. And last night, by way of Velasco, the same in print, with a letter from J. A. Wharton, who has just arrived on the Liberty. He wrote in haste and gives no particulars. I have nol had lime to examine and digest the stipulations respecting the loan, but relying upon your bdter judgment, have no doubt you have done well. I am indeed proud to see that you have united in sentiment respecting the proper position for us to Lake at the next Convention. Happy would il have been for Texas had your concurrence in that matter been manifested sooner. Much evil, discordant feeling, and disorganization has grown out of the multifarious plans suggested on that subject. All organization planned by the last Convention has been subverted. The commander-in-chief has been superccded and the army disorganized and thrown into confusion, the frontier exposed, 13cxar, the reduction of which has cost us so much, left in a defenceless situation, and threatened with invasion by a strong Mexican army, who, hearing of its defenseless situation, have determined lo retake it. This is truly discouraging, and has been brought about by the baneful in0uencc of persons who arc inimical to the true and honest interests of the country aided by the vile machinations of a corrupt council. In consequence of which I have been compelled lo adjourn them until the first of March, when the Convention will meet, and as I earnestly hope apply the grand corrective. Th<' commander-in-chief has retired on furlough until that time. Th<' council, however, have retorl<'d by appointing another Governor, and framing another government on th<' I.rue Mexican principll', using every means lo swindle Texas in their management, which they have already done lo a large amount. I have for sonw timl' heard of banks established without charier for the pmpo~1· of
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