Jan 14 1836 to Mar 5 1836 - PTR, Vol. 4


Army of Operations Excellcnl Senor:

Wilh your ExceUency's official letler of the 20lh of lhis month, l received the qucslion which General Ramirez y Sesma asked you, about the pay of lhe Company of Laredo, and which is being demanded by the Commandant of lhat company. In answer to it [the question] I am wril ing your ExceUency that the aroresaid Commandant of Laredo shaU have to go to the commissary of the department lo which he belongs for the salaries of the company, for the army can not make itself responsible for payments which do not belong to it. For God and Liberty. General Headquarters of Leona Vicario. January 30, 1836. Antonio Lopez de Sta. Ana. Excellent Senor General, D. Vicente Filisola, Second in Command of the Army of Operations. [1960] [SANTA ANNA to FILISOLAJ

Army of Operations Excellent Senor:

I am advised, by your Excellency's official letter of the 26th of this month, of the declarations that were taken from citizen Arocha, who resides in the neighborhood of Bejar, as well as of the contents of the letter which was sent Lo General Ramirez y Sesma by Lieutenant-Colonel D. Nicolas Flores, and which I am returning to your Excellency. For God and Liberty. General Headquarters of Leona Vicario. January 30, 1836. [Antonio Lopes de Santa Ana.] Excellent Senor General of Division, D. Vicente Filisola, Second in Command of the Army of Operations.

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