Jan 14 1836 to Mar 5 1836 - PTR, Vol. 4

informs us that our agenls in N. Orleans has effected a loan of 250000S, lo be pd on our draft, & also bringing ample supplies of provisions, & arms & ammunition, that will be sent to the army- 2d On your arrival in Camp, you will request the commander, if they have elected one, or the captains of companies, in the event of their not having elected a Commander, to assemble their men in hollow squares or otherwise & have read, the information that you have from this place, and distribute the same among the troops, so that the same may be generally and fully known, throughout the camp. 3d And you will also by your conversation, in camp, and at all limes promote harmony among the troops and citizens generally, & assure the troops that they arc fully authorized and empowered lo elect company officers, and also a commander of the expedition against the city of i\latamoras, & urge the importance & necessity of an immediate attack of that place, and that they will be fully sustained by all means in the power of the Government of Texas in that moment. 4th Assure them that no doubt is entertained, on the part of the Government, of the ability of the country lo fully compensate them for their toil & Labour in money & Land·. 5th Give your aid in any way, you may think best calculated lo promote the great object of the campaign, in organizing the volunteers, permanently under the auxiUery Law, or temporarily, if that does not meet the views of the troops, and any other mode you may think proper, not inconsistent with existing Laws- 6th You will use these instructions as you may think proper,-you may shew them or not as may seem best, & the interest of the service may, in your opinion rcquirc- J ames W. Robinson Acting Governor


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