Jan 14 1836 to Mar 5 1836 - PTR, Vol. 4

the present oppertunity of ensuring us peace and quiet-by one effectual effort at a moments to truly auspicious- ! have the honor to subscribe myself, with every respect. Your Most obt & faiLhfuU St- F. W. Johnson


Palace of the National Covcrnmcnl, i\lexico, January 30, 1836. The undersigned, chief officer charged with the affairs of Lhe Ocparlmenl of Relations, has received a note from the Minister of War, informing him thal the rebels of Texas hoist on the vessels in their service a flag bearing Lhe same colors with tlie United Slates of America, substituting, however, for the blue ground and stars of the latter, a while ground and a cross, with the number 1824; and that, as the Mexican nalion disavows this flag, the vessels sailing under it may Le considered and treated as pirates. This resolution, dictated by his excellency the President, is submitted by the undersigned for Lhe information of Mr. Buller, who will employ it as he may judge best. The undersigned embraces this opportunity, &c. Jose Maria Ortiz Monasterio.

Mr. Anthony Butler, Charge d'Affaires, &c.

[19581 [ROBINSON to TARLETON, cl alj

Executive department san Felipe de auslin Jany. 30th 1836

(Private) To Capls Tarlton & Wallace, & LL. McIntire, Gentlemen,

1st You will immediately repare to Lhe Camp of the Volunkcr army of Texas, and on your way to that place, if you meet or overtake any troops or citizens, you will explain fully our Situation at Lhe scat of Gov. & of the disposition of Lhc authorities here lo meel their wishes-of the arrival of the Wm Robbins al Velasco, with J. A. Wharton on board, who


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