Jan 14 1836 to Mar 5 1836 - PTR, Vol. 4

Texas, but in consequence of the rising of the liberals, both in Zacatecas & Guadalaxara, his supplies have been cut off, his progress arrested, & he seems to be at a loss whether to advance or retreat, lus forces are deserting daily-& he does not detach assistance to i\fatamoras, fearing that the Troops on leaving the Camp wou'd declare against him-The army which was collecting at Loredo, barely 1,000 men, including the remains of Coss' Troops under Felisola, have left that place for Monclova some time back, in consequence of the revolution in the interior.-Matamoras may be said to be entirely defenceless, & the genl in command ready to join the liberals on their appearance, of 160 militia, which were sent as a reinforcement late in Deer to Matamoras I am assur'd that only 10 existed, all the rest having deserted-The whole force at that place does not exceed 200 men. In the present state of St. Anna's army, one blow at this moment wou'd free us forever, from the efforts of the Centralists & leave both Texas & the northern part of the Republick, in full enjoyment of peace.-Such a blow given by the Troops of Texas, wou'd raise her at once to a position, in which she might dictate to her sister States- Col. Gonzales, is with a detachment on the Bank of the Rio Grande opposite to Mier, & from the reinforcements on the way to join him it may be safely calculated that he has ab't 300 men to date-The moment we move Gonzales will start to join us near Matamoras.- Much alarm has been created even among the liberals of the adjoining states, by rumours of a desire to declare Texas indepen- denant of the Republic of Mexico. Every step has been taken to do away with this impression, both by our friends here & in the Interior, as a junction of all parties wou'd inevitably result from such measure & the conse- quences wou'd too, probably be ruinous to Texas at this moment. -I deem it my duty to keep your honbl. Body inform'd of all these matters, for the guidance of the people of Texas, & I hope soon to be able to lay before you a correct copy of St' Annas plan of his intended campaigns for your Gov't-In the mean time I hope that the provisional Gov't & Council, will be pleas'd to use every endeavor to augment the forces intended for the Interior, & that the prese11t inviting opportunities of carrying the war under such favorable auspices out of Texas may not be lost.- Every true friend to his country, every lover of liberty and order will sec the propriety of laying aside every minor feeling, arising from party or any other spirit-& embracing with warmth


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