Jan 14 1836 to Mar 5 1836 - PTR, Vol. 4


San PatTicio 30th Jany 1836

To the I-lonble The Genl. Council of Texas- Gentlemen,

I have the honor to acquaint that I joind the Bexar division of the Volunteer Army at Refugio on the 20th Inst. but at same time regret to have to say, that much mischief has been done during my absence by disorganisers both at Goliad and Refugio, founded on claims of the Comdr. in Chief of the Regular Army to direct the movements of the Volunteers, & every obstacle was thrown in the way of an advance, into the neighbouring state-A measure tho' approv'd of by your honbl. Body, which was represented as unauthoris'd & contrary to the Interests of Texas. One r.ompany (Wiggintons) was clissolv'd in Goliad & only a small fraction came on to the mission, three other companies (Cook's Burks & Lawrenc's) with the fraction alluded to, remain at the Mission, under the impression that they were not authoris'd to move with me without express orders to that effect from Genl. Houston.- Two Companies and a few who segregated from the other companies, accompanied me to this place- Such is a true but most mortifying picture of the present state of the Volunteer Army of the Frontiers, & unless an explicit declaration is made to the seceding Captns by the Executive of their being authoris'd to join the expedition to the interior, without reference to the orders of the Comdr. in Chief of the Regular Army, many valuable men will be lost to the service of texas-& what is worse all those who return to their own country will give so unfavorable an account, of the unhappy dissentions arrising from Party spirit, as will deter many from joining in the support of our rights and liberties- I am still without any intimation of the movements of Col. Fanning, and quite at a loss to account for the want of clue information on this head-The mischiefs that may arrisc from delay, at the present moment are to obvious to require my adverting to them- By advices recd from Monterey, up to the 18th Inst-& from Matamoros up to the 20th same, the following may be said lo be the present state of the political & military opcrations.-Sanla Anna is in Saltillo, with a force of 2300 men, and a consiclcrable tTain of heavy and field Artillcry.-so far on his way to invade


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