expedition now on foot, and undeceiving them in regard to any misunderstanding or false represenlations which may have been made to them, all which will convince them of the consistency, justice and sincerity of this Government, as regards all its acts whether general or special, concerning the volunteer system, and its determination to guarantee and secure their rights, and the rights of all who trust to the good faith of the Government of Texas. The Committee also advise, That the acting Governor give such additional instructions, having in view the present situation of the volunteers as will be best calculated to restore harmony, union and concert in all their operations in the present expedition. The Committee also advise, That Lieut B C Wallace be promoted to the Captaincy vacated by J W E Wallace of the Artillery, and that Thomas H Meintire be appointed to fill the vacancy occasioned by the promotion of Capt Wallace promotion, and also advise that Captain Tarleton be appointed to any Captaincy that may be vacant in the Cavalry Corps or if there be no vacancy, that he receive the pledge of this Government to be appointed to the first vacancy of that rank in that corps and in the mean time if it be the wish of Capt Tarleton, that he should receive a temporary appointment of that rank in the Infantry to supply the vacancy occasioned by the resignation of Capt George M Collinsworth. Your Committee further advise the acting Governor to give such special private or general instructions as he may think the exigencies of the case shall require, not contemplated in the foregoing opinions-
J. D. Clements Alexr Thomson GA Pattillo Advisory Committee
Approved Jany. 29th 1836
James W Robinson acting Governor
[Vicente Filisola to Antonio Lopez de Santa Anna, January 29, 1836, concerning the statements of Romualdo Perez about conditions in Bexar.]
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