chieftains, they have lost all confidence in their own government and officers.... Money must be raised or Texas is gone to ruin. Without it, war cannot be again carried on in Texas. The patriotism of a few has done much; but that is becoming worn down. I have strained every nerve, I have used my personal credit, and have neither slept day nor night since I received orders to march, and, with all this, I have barely been able to get horses and equipments for the few men I have.... I have the honor to be, Your Excellency's obt. servant, W. Barrett Travis, Lieut.-Col. Commd. [1945] [CLEMENTS et aJ to ROBINSON] Council Hall San Felipe de Austin Jan. 29th 1836 The advisory Committee to the Executive appointed to act in that capacity during the absence of a quorum of the Council, regret to be informed of the dissatisfied and disorganized state of the · volunteers who left Bejar for the expedition against Matamoros. It is evident however, that these evils and misunderstandings have arisen either from the want of correct informations or from the intrigues and misrepresentations of designing men, all of which may be corrected by communicating truly and frankly, the acts and the objects of the Government in regard to volunteers generally, together with all special acts connected with the Matamoros expedition. The committee are of opinion and so advise his Excellency the acting Governor, That some copies of the declaration of the 7th of Nov last;-Copies of the organic law;-Copies of the ordinance and decree creating and organizing an auxiliary volunteer Corps for Texas;-togcther with copies of the Resolutions creating the agency under which Col Fannin acts, and the Report & Resolutions, founded upon the application of Col F W Johnson should be placed in the hands of Captain Tarleton and Wallace, who, together with Lieut McIntire and such other gentlemen as may choose to accompany them on their return to Copano, for the purpose of giving the necessary information to ull the volunteers who are or may hereafter be concerned in the
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