Jan 14 1836 to Mar 5 1836 - PTR, Vol. 4

discouraged and be induced to return. The first misfortune that may happen to them, far from this place will he productive of the best cffccts. I shall instruct Col. Travis to cut down the bridges over the Leona and Nueces to embarrass the enemy in crossing those streams, with the men, say 25, under that officer's command the force of this garrison will consist of 130 Americans and with 600 lo 1000 men, I can oppose an effectual rcsislcncc. On my Couriers arrival from San Filipc minds became excited and the Resolutions sent out were the result. But Fellow citizens, the time has now arrived and a second cpocha is lo be from this clay dated in the affairs of our adopted country in which domestic disscntions should be hushed and rancour should be the watchword United, the attempts of the enemy can be baffled even if Sant Anna with his 3000 men do come on. Texas ought and must again arouse to action, another victory will secure us forever from the attack of Tyrany and our Existence wiU no longer be doubtful but prosperous and glorious to attain so desirable an end. I am ready to sacrifice my all, and if as I expect every citizen of the country and our colabrators from the United Stales are animated by the same spirit, Destiny will be compeled to acknowledge us as her favorites, from the time of my taking the field in the defence of Texas liberties up to the present moment, my labours and watchfulness have been unremilling and they shall continue lo be so until I see the land of my adoption free. I have respectfully to advise that the efforts of the government be all concenlratecl and directed to the support and preservation of this town, that supplies of Beef, pork, hogs, salt &c be forthwith forwarded, and if waggons cannot be procured let as much as possible come by hand, men, money, rifles and cannon powder are also necessary. I shall consult with some of the influential Mexicans known to be attached to our cause, about obtaining the effectual assislence of these citizens of whom I judge that 4/5 would join us if they entertained reasonable expectations of reinforcements- I remain Respectfully Gentlemen Your mo: obd. humble Scrvcant J.C. Neill Lt Col. Comd. Bexar


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