Jan 14 1836 to Mar 5 1836 - PTR, Vol. 4


an Express from Bejar, saying 2500 Mexicans were advancing to retake the Post- I suspect the Cause of this rumor- and will be gouverned by such orders, emenating, from such Persons, as may be above suspicion, as may be recd. at the Copeno-or Refugio-. I will make farther report from that point- and trusting that you will take my suggestions into consideration & act on them promptly- I am as ever, With

High consideration Yr obt servl J W Fannin Jr Agt Prov!. Govt

On board sch Invincible- [Addressed:} His Excellency James W. Robinson Govr. of Texas G Smith Genl. Council of Texas San Felipe


Department of Stale, Washington, January 28, 1836. The undersigned, Secretary of State of the United States, has had the honor to receive the answer, of the 25th instant, of Mr. Castillo, charge d'affaires of the Mexican republic, to the note of the undersigned, dated the 23d, requesting a personal interview. It is apparent that Mr. Castillo has mistaken the purpose for which that interview was desired. This Department has been informed that five passengers, the captain, and three seamen of the United States merchant schooner Hannah Elizabeth, which had stranded upon the Mexican coast, had been taken from the wreck by the Mexican public armed schooner Bravo, or Montezuma, put in irons, and carried lo and imprisoned at Matamoras. It was and still is the wish of the undersigned to confer immediately with Mr. Castillo relative lo this transaction; for, by so doing, all possible danger lo the lives of American citizens before the intcrposition of this Government can be made at Mexico may be avoided. The undersigned therefore expects that Mr. Castillo will, with all


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