Jan 14 1836 to Mar 5 1836 - PTR, Vol. 4

command of the Brutus subject to the orders of the Government on his arrival in Texas. I can strongly recommend him as a brave & meretorious man who has suffered much in your cause. She will sail in a few days after her arrival being now completely fitted I remain Respectfully Yours &c Wm Bryan

Jany 27 Balance of Cash on hand appropriated for Independence Balance on Hand Acceptances due May 15/22 July 15/22 Letter of Credit to Mr Y ate·s Purchase of Brutus due on the last instalment loan Orders now in Execution estimated

5591.33 5000 00

591.00 [sicj

4 407.60 14,000.00 20,000 00 15 000.00 5 000.00 $58.407 60

Order in favor of Col Owings of which advice is now given

5.000.00 S63.407.60

The above does not include future transportation of troops which is always cash

I I ' I ' I



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