Jan 14 1836 to Mar 5 1836 - PTR, Vol. 4

(1934] [WHARTON to Si\llTI-1]

Memphis, Jan. 27, 1836

(Unofficial.) i\ly Dear Sir.-"I am thus far on my way lo Washinglon City. Archer and Austin will be on in a few days. I find the feelings in the country universal in our favor, provided we war for independence, or wish to attach ourselves to the United Stales of the north. But if our war is lo be for the Constitution of 1824, and is to terminate in anything short of a total dissolu lion of all connection with i\lexico, we may expect no sympathy or assistance from this quarter. For heaven's sake press upon the next. convention the vital importance of making an immediate "Declaration" selling forth al large the reason for so doing. Try and have this done as early in the session as possible and send the glorious news lo be published in New Orleans, and tellers announcing the fact to the commissioners al Washington, &c., &c." Your friend Wm. H. Wharton [To Henry Smith] [1935] [BRYAN to SMITH)

Agency Office New Orleans January 28th 1836

His Ex Henry Smith Go\'ernor of Texas Sir

Enclosed you will receive Copies of Bonds for the Independence now fitting oul lo sail in ten days. The Brutus nol yet arrived, & a letter of Credil to i\lr Yates who proceeds to N York for the purpose of purehasing a Slc:am Boat lo nm between N Orleans and Texas & acl as the Government may require in defencc of the Coa~l. You will observe the ownership of the sc\'eral vessels in vested in the Al!•·ney. I shall by each vessel send a power lo the Government, particular directions will accompany the Power Attorney. In conS<.·c11wnce of Puhlic opinion selling so strongly through thr Uni!Pd Slnl1~s, against the system of Lcttc-rs


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