:\lalagorda 27th Jan 1836
The President & Members of the Council Cents.
When [ arrived al Mr Newell's he was in Town and l have nol been abk to see him till last evening he will be~ in San Felipe on Thursday evening Gen) Austin has writ ten me a letter from N. Orleans every word is lnclepenclcncc. He says thal we can get men and money in the Cause of I ndepcndcnce and advises a Declaration unhesitatingly. I must acknowledge he changes with Great Rapidity If he could send us the men money and Provisions with half as much rapidity we could Declare for any Policy we please and maintain il- l hope the Council will not open the Land Offices The People below (that is in the Lower Country) are Violent even to Pasionate on the subject you arc already accused of being under the Influence of Bribery corruption &c. Bul Lhal People arc now becoming convinced of their Error-Some Diversity of opinion prevails as to Smiths, conduct But much the Larger portion arc in favor of the Council Those who would advocate him are his old friends and say they carmol believe him Dishonest-I am confident it is necessary to have his compromising Message Printed and the reply of the Committee, we cannot deal Delicately on the Subject the truth and all the truth must be known. Smith is writing to his Friends in an Exciting and appealing manner saying he is apprehensive of being assassinated I hope you will not permit him by Vigilence to Get the Beller of the Feelings of the Community If you will find the Compromising Document and Publish il all will be well I wish you also to do me the favour lo send it to me as I have a use for it every day. Yours with much regard RR. Royall
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