Jan 14 1836 to Mar 5 1836 - PTR, Vol. 4

[1931] [NEILL to SMITHJ

Commandancy of Bexar, Jan. 27, 1836.

To His Excellency, Henry Smith, Governor of Texas:

Dear Sir: I have received a copy of resolutions e11acted by the council and approved by James W. Robinson, Acting Governor, as signed, empowering me (as said therein) without giving me the means to do sundry acts to my own relief as commander of this place. In my communication Lo the Executive I did not ask for pledges and resolves, but for money, provisions and clothing. There has been money given or loaned by private individuals expressly for the use of the army, and none has been received.... We can not he fed and clothed on paper pledges. My men cannot, nor will not, stand this state of things much longer.. . . I am, sir, respectfully, Yr. oht. servt., J.C. Neill, Lieut.-Col. Commanding Bexar. [1932) [POLLARD to SMITH l

Bejar Jan 27th 1836

Most excellent Sir

I perceive that the lory party have bought up your council and instead of being an assistant to you as intended they have usurped the government to thcmselves,-hut the people will not stand this-you will sec by our resolutions here that we are determined lo support you al all hazards.-! did hope that the provisional government would continue till we could establish another and a more firm one-This we shall endeavor to do in March and God grant that we may create an independent government-Should we he previously invaded I hope that the council will come hack from its cormpt course and meet the exigencies of the country-Reports say that troops are now on their way.-Rely my Dear Sir on every support that my feeble efforts can give you in endeavoring lo ensure the liberties and establish the l11dcpc11dc11cc of our adopted country I am your obl. Servt [Addressed:] To his Excellency Henry Smith Amos Pollard


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