we will support his Excellency Governor Smith in his unyielding and palriolic efforts lo fulfill the duties, and to preserve lhc di~11ity of his office, while promoting lhc best interests of the co1111try and people, againsl all usurpations and lhc designs of selfish a11d intcrcslcd individuals. Resolved 2nd.-That all allempts of the president a11d memhcrs of lhc Executive council, lo annul lhe acls of, or lo embarrass the officer appointed by the general convention, are deemed by this meeting, as anarchical assumptio11::; of power lo which we will not submit. Resolved 3rd Thal we invite a similar expression of scnlimenl from lhc army under Gcnl 1-louslon, and throughout the country generally. Resolved 4th That lhc conduct of the president and members of lhe Exccu tivc council in relation lo lhc FIVE HUNDHED DOLLAR LOAN, for lhc liquidalion of the claims of lhc soldiers .al Bexar is in lhc highest degree criminal and unjust: Y ct under treatment however illiberal and ungrateful, we cannot be driven from the posl of Honor and lhc sacred cause of freedom. Resolved 5th. That we do not recognise the illegal appointments of agenls and officers, made by the president and members of the Executive Council in relation lo the Matamoros Expedition; si11ce their power docs not extend further than to lake measures and to make appointments for the public service with the sanction of the governor. Resolved 6th That the Governor Henry Smith will please to accept the gratitude of the army al this Station, for his firmness in the execution of his trust, as well as for his patriotic exertions in our behalf. Resolved 7lh That the Editors of the Brazoria Gazette, the Nacogdoches Telegraph, and the San Felipe Telegraph be requested, and · they are hereby rcciucsled lo publish the procedings of this meeting. Bexar. January. 26th. 1836. Signed J.C. Neill Prs [Addressed: 1 Ed. of Brazoria Gazclte (or Texas Republican) Brazoria Texas 1-1 J Williamson Scty
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