Preamble. Whereas, we have been informed from ,111 undoubled messenger that the cxcculivc council and its presidcnl, a subordinate and auxiliary depart men I of !ht' governmen I, have usurped the right of impeaching the governor, who. (if we wo11lcl imitate the wise institutions of the land of Washington) can only be impeached, by a body set forth in the conslilulion, which constitution must have been established by the people through their rcprcscnlativcs assembled in general convention. ~loreovcr, the said council and its president, whose powers arc defined lo aid the governor in fulfilling the measures and objeels adopted by the general consultation, have taken it upon themselves lo annul lite measures of the said general consultation. They arc about to uµen the land offices, which were temporarily closed until a general convention of the people should lake place, thereby opening a door lo private speculation, al the expense of the men who arc serving their country in the field. Moreover the said council have improperly used, and appropriated lo their own purposes a Five hundred Dollar Loan, from a generous and patriotic citizen of the United States intended lo pay the soldiers in the garrison of Bexar. ~loreovcr, that private and designing men are, and have been embarrassing the governor, the ligitimale officer of the government, by usurping, contrary to all notions of order and good government, the right of publicly and formally instructing and advising the governor, and the people, on political, civil and institutional matters subject. ~lorcover, that a particular individual has gone so far as lo issue a proclamation on the Stale of public affairs, and to im~tc volunteers to join him as the commander of the .\latamoros Expedition, when that particular individual must have known that General Houston the commander in Chief of all the land forces in the service of Texas, has been ordered bv the , government to take command of that expedition. This particular individual is also fully aware, that aJI officers under the commander in chief arc elected by the volunteers themselves, and that therefore-there was neither room nor ncccssily for another appointment by the council. Still, in the possession of Lltcsc facts, he has issued his proclamation, and continues to aid all those who are embarrassing the executive. Therefore, be it Resolved Ist That
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