Jan 14 1836 to Mar 5 1836 - PTR, Vol. 4

community lo judge whether this production, and the late insulting message from Henry Smith lo this Council, have originated from the effects of an unsound mind, or are the overflowings of a corrupt heart.

John McMullin, President pro tern. of General Council. J.D. Clements, E. Collard, Alex. Thompson,

G. A. Pattillo, D. C. Barrell, John Malone,

James B. Tucker, Thomas Barnell.


Secretary of General Council. [1925)


CITIZENS' AND SOLDlERS' MEETING Al a large and respectable meeting of the citizens and soldiers of this place, lu-lc.l this 26th day of January 18~6, lo lake into consideration the recent movements al San Felipe, J.C. Neill was called to the chair, and II. J. Williamson appointed Sccrclary- The object of the ml'cling having been slated by the chair; on motion of Col. J.B. Bonham, a commillec of seven was appointed to draft a preamble and resolutions for the consideration of the meeting; whereupon the following gentlemen were appoinlt'cl by the chair. Chairman of Committee J. B. Bonham. Jas. Bowie.

G. 11. Janu:son, Doctor Pollard. J CSSI' fiacl:,!d l. J. N. ~1·1,!11in. Don c;asp<'r Flori':-

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