Jan 14 1836 to Mar 5 1836 - PTR, Vol. 4

the world, and in the main, quilt~ as good as when you were here. Therl'forc, I hope the plan of a land company may still have l illegible). My family go lo your country lo remain untill the war and trouble passes away. I am now ready lo engage in the matter as understood when we met and parted at the Springs. If it is not engaged in, a splendid opportunity for making a fortune will be lost. Owing to the stay of my family in your country, I shall feel myself charged with a heavy debt, for the kindness and friendship which may be extended lo them, and hope lo reciprocate. The purchases I have made are all first rate operations. The most of the drafts, I have drawn on you, I presume have in this been presented, and the others will be passed shortly; making the aggregate surn of SS,000. The cenlral government may be [illegible] or established, and the (illegible] to Texas, will differ but little, whether we fight for Independence, or State rights, for in either case we must fight and whip Mexico; and as it has to be it may as well be done to last forever, and when done, all [illegible] rights must be respected, and the Laws [illegible] and consistently administered. Then our lands will be a fortune. I hope to hear from you upon aU subjects, and particularly concerning your self and health. Please present me particularly to your brother and his good family and your kind Mother, and accept for yourself my sincere prayers for your better health and happiness. Your true friend, J. R. Lewis [1924) pk.MULLEN et al to PUBLIC] Council, Hall, San Felipe De Austin, January 26, 1836. Resolved, That the letter from colonel J. W. Fannin, received this evening from the executive department, be forthwith published in hand-bill form, that the citizens, and especially the members of the late volunteer army, may be informed of the disposition and conduct of Henry Smith, who was made Governor by the late Consultation, but whose acts previous to this Lime, have suspended him from office. Resolved, That the communication is of itself sufficient, without any comment from this body; and we leave the


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