Jan 14 1836 to Mar 5 1836 - PTR, Vol. 4

mail them I should haVI~ gun on my self bul having maid sum reerulcs since J ari\'ll h<'ar I Lho11l proper lo remain hear Lill New Orleans Boal would go down and forwcrd Lhcm I arivd hear Lhis morning and have maid Len rccmtcs for the rcglar armcy and Lhar is prospccl of my gilling five or six morr. in Lhc morning I will leave hear in loo or three days for Nachc~c any information rclitivc to Lhc army or Lhe aforccs of Texas I should be glad lo hear Lhis will he handid lo you by ,tr B11lard who you will find a gentleman in cvry sencc of Lhe word he will be acompneyd liy an acquaintcncc of yours Col Horton

your Friend and obedient st W. E. Howlh



Matagorda Jan. 26, 1836

Duncan S. Walker, Esq. Dear Sir:

Since I left you at Marlin's Springs, I have not had a letter from you, which leaves me in great suspense. l have written you often and again, hut no answer. I hope some are on the way and thal your health is reslored. You have, in this, been advised of the fall of Bexar, and with it, the last Mexican Army was driven out of Texas; but we are preparing for a heavy campaign, which is coming againsl us in the Spring. Success must be ours. A new convention is called for Lhe firsl of March, next a bold effort will be made for independence, and at the same time opposed by those for the Constitution. I think the side for independence wilJ carry. I have already advised you that my land operations have gone as far as Lhe authority you gave me, to draw, for SS,000. My purchases have been upon Camp, Colorado, Brazos, and on and near the Bay of Matagorda. The cash payments have been from one-fourth to one-half, except one, when I paid all cash, and the credit part, from one year lo one and lwo years. In a short Lime I will have all Lhe surveys and plots compieled, when I will send you a fult Iisl, with the terms, etc. The lands on Camp have risen from one, to one hundred and fifly percent owing lo [illegiblcl but in the balance of the country they stand about as they were when you were here, and still the finest opportunities for land spee11latio11 in

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