Jan 14 1836 to Mar 5 1836 - PTR, Vol. 4

I had an interview with the acting Secretary, and spoke lo him in such terms as. no doubt, produced the appointment of an envoy extraordinary from Mexico to the United Stales. Don i\lanucl Gorosliza, formerly minister lo England, will embark in the next packet for New York on this mission. lie is the ~lag1111s Apollo of Mexican diplomacy and of literature; has been in competition with Monsieur Talleyrand, and writes farces; so, when yo11 know him, it will be in your power to graduate the underling politicians and literati of this far-famed nation. Of his discrrtion, you may take this proof-that I have heard him at a dinner party stale and boast of his having outwitted the French minister and 13ritish Secretary of Foreign Affairs; very certainly this was done after the cloth had been drawn. Whether one would have been correct in applying the old remark of there being truth in wine to this event, I shall not pretend lo decide. You have the fact, and may decide for yourself. I am in hopes, however, that he will not return with the same boast as regards our statesmen, although, perhaps. il would he no great disparagement to be vanquished by the conqueror of ~lonsieur Talleyrand. A. Buller

Hon. John Forsyth, Secretary of State


(Vicente Filisola to Antonio Lopez de Santa Anna, January 26, 1836, concerning the information received "from citizen Arocha, a resident of Bejar."J (1922] [HOWTH to Si\IITI-1]

Natchctoches Jany 26th 1836

To His Excncly Ilcnry Smith Govnor of Tex

sir after long and tedious journey and the loss of my hors an braking down the second wolking sixty miles throu the mud I arivd in this place in good helth and aserlaning that our agents had left New Orleans I have forowd the letters inlrustcd lo my care lo Natcheze to be maild by an acquaintcncc who will he shure to



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