I think 1 shall hazard an assumption or the official character once more for this purpose, and especially as no successor to this legalion is as yet known here. In my reply, I shall call lo their recollection that the allaek 011 Tampico was made under the Mexican rtag, and declared, by lhoiw who sustained the attack, to be made for the purpose of restoring the constitution and laws violated by the parties in power; thal, in 1832, the present President, General Santa Anna, maintained a war against the adminislralion of lhat day for the same objects; and that Lhe same General i\kxia, then acting under the orders of General Santa Anna, invaded and captured this very Lown of Tampico, in which enterprise foreigners also participated, and whose conduct on thal occasion, so far from being repudiated by General Santa Anna, was considered as highly meritorious. Thal General Santa Anna rested his justification for opposing the Government of that day upon a charge Lhat the constitution and laws had been violated; so that, in every aspect of the case, these unfortunate men were justified (even had they acted with General Mexia) by the opinions and acls of General Sanla Anna himself, through his whole career of 1832; and thus he established a precedent which has only been followed in the present instance. Besides, it is proper lo call your attention lo the facl thal the Mexicans made prisoners al the same time, (and who, if there be guill, were the most guilly,) so far from being punished, ,verc nol even molested, as it is said, unlit my note roused the Government to a view of their inconsistency as well as injustice, and the Mexicans are now said to be put on their lrial. IL is not for me lo poinl out the course which my Government should pursue on Lhe present occasion, but surely none better could present itself lo justify us in teaching these semi-barbarians a lesson of justice and good faith; and, I will add, that if this barbarous and inhuman act be submitted to-should the Mexican Government be permitted lo escape, without making the mosl ample satisfaction, not only the property and lives of our countrymen in Mexico will hereafter be held al the mercy of every pelly officer who pleases lo exert his power, bul we will become Lhc scorn of all nations. Such arc the impressions hl'rc on this matter. Subsc<(ucnl lo the delivery of my note of tlw 29th ultimo,
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