Jan 14 1836 to Mar 5 1836 - PTR, Vol. 4

a Gonzales: Todos los referidos pliegos queclan en mi poder cerrados, para enlrcgarlos con los reos, a la autoriclacl que clebe conoser de su causa. Manana estara aqui el Capitan Ramires y en el momento cmprenderc mi marcha para Matamoros despues de dejar bien rcencargada a cslas auloridades la persecucion de Gonzales y los que quedan dispcrsos de su parlida. Dcscanse V E. en mi vigilansia, satisfecho de que no perdere meclio para salvar el honor clel Supremo Gno., y vindicar a nuestra Nacion de los ultrages que le infieren los ingratos que han levantado las armas contra clla. Mc es muy grato reilerar a V E. las seguridacles de mi singular y respeluoso aprecio. Dios y Libertad Villa de Mier Enero 25/836 Jose Urrea E. S. Presidente D. Antonio Lopes de Santa-Anna. GraJ. en gefe <lei Ejercito de Operaciones. [1920) [BUTLER~ FORSYTH] Mexico, January 26, 1836. Sir: I have the honor to enclose you a copy of the note just received from the Mexican Department of Foreign Affairs, in reply lo mine of the 29th ultimo, relative to the shooting of the twenty-two citizens of the United States al Tampico, in December last. After the delay of nearly a month, this answer is returned; and, besides evading the questions proposed in my note of the 29th ultimo, asserts a falsehood, in stating that the prisoners had a trial under the laws. According lo every account received here, these unfortunate men were victims of the offended vanity and uncontrollable passions of General Santa Anna, merely because the people of Texas have dared to oppose his will in relation to the conlemplated change of Government. You will perceive, from Mr. Robertson's letter, (the original of which is enclosed,) that a court of inquiry had been organized lo lake the declarations of the prisoners; and, upon such declaration, the court decides whether more testimony shall be sought lo support the prosecution, or whether the prisoner shall be discharged, unless in the declaration a full confession of the


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