[ 1915] [HERRING to CLARK]
War Department, Office Indian Affairs, January 25, 1836. Sir: I am instructed to inform you that Gen. Gaines has been directed to proceed lo some proper position near the i\lcxican boundary, and to Lake command of the troops in Louisiana, west or" the Mississippi, and south of the Missouri rivers. One object of this movement is lo prevent the infraction of the treaty with i\'lexico by the Indian tribes. He has been authorized to call upon the superintendents and agents of the Indian department for information and aid. You are requested to give him immediate notice if you perceive any design on the part of the Indians to make incursions into, and to attack the citizens of, the Mexican Stales. And you will please give similar instructions to each of the agents and suh-agcnls in your superintendency. Very, &c. Elbert Herring. To Gen. William Clark, Sup't Indian Affairs, SL. Louis, Mo. [1916] [McKJNNEY and WILLIAMS Lo GOVERN~IENT]
Quintana 25 Jany 1836
To The Provisional Govt of Texas Gent.
I leave on tomorrow for N. Orleans hope to be able to do somthing for the benefit of our counlry. Your draft in favor of Or Cone for ninety seven dollars has been paid We have been used up in the way of money & supplies for the volunteers & hope you will be able to do wilhou t drawin~ any new Bills on us for a while until we can make some arrangmcnts by way of ncgociating for moi1cy our customers arc making daily calls 011 us for money & if we do not supply them you know they will dc1,crl us & our business must fall in Lhc hands of other merchants this we wish to avoid al the same time we hope to be able to make such ncgociations as to :-.I\ e & serve all concerned I much fear the co11d11et of our Ex (;ovr and his friends will disgrace us a broad so that on the faith of the
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