Jan 14 1836 to Mar 5 1836 - PTR, Vol. 4


Fort Goliad Jany 24th 1836

To his Excellency Gov. of Texas Sir

The dispatches intended for this place did not arrive until yesterday owing to the ncgilcnce of the Bearer who tnisted his packet to a Mexican comrade whom-suspecting the importance of its contents fled with the Booty-he remained undiscovered until yesterday morning when about the break of day was seen by one Solomon Drake when he began deriding the American character Solomon suspecting something wrong joined him in his derision which led to the discovery of the package it is useless to enter into details suffice it to say considerable ingenuity was practised on the occassion and much Credit is due the discoverer-I have advertised the goods and effects now under my charge to be disposed of at public Auction on the 4th day of February 1836, reserving all necessary articles for the use of the army The enclosed is the number of Regulars now under my Command at Goliad With Resp Your Obt and Humble Servt F. W. Thronton Lieut of Regular Army (1913] [CASS to CARLETON and LINTON] War Department, January 25, 1836. Sir: I am instructed, by the President, to inform you that General Gaines has been ordered lo the western frontier of Louisiana, to take the personal direction of the troops in that quarter. Should General Gaines desire your opinion in any point of law, connected with the execution of the duties he may Le required lo perform, under any act of Cornrress havinu relation lo . O b the neutral duties of the United States, the Prcsit.lcnl desires me to request that you would furnish General Gaines with your opinion

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