Jan 14 1836 to Mar 5 1836 - PTR, Vol. 4


Commandancy of Bejar January 14, 1836

To the Governor and Council, San Felipe de Auslin

Sirs, - I beg to refer you lo my official communication, under date of yesterday, since when, I am sorry to inform you, that our situalion becomes such as to be compelled lo acquaint you of it by express. There can exist but little doubt that the enemy is advancing on lhis post, from the number of families leaving town today, and those preparing to follow; among which, is that of John W. Smith, who has this evening engaged wagons to remove his family inlo the colonies. We are informed that the advance of the enemy is on the Rio Frio, and so situated are we, for want of horses, that we cannot, through our own exertions, gain any information, not being able to send out a small spy company. The volunteers that entered for two or four months under Burleson or Johnson, did so with an understanding that they were, for that period, to be paid monthly; which not having been complied with, has weakened me very much, as several left yesterday and today and I have not more than seventy-five men fit for duty, and afraid that number will be considerably reduced in a few days. Unless we are reinforced and victualled, we must become an easy prey lo the enemy, in case of an attack. My frequent repetitions of the subject of our distress, and the apprehensions of an enemy, arise partly from the interest I feel for my country, and a wish to preserve those lands she has acquired in the infant stage of her campaign; and being well convinced as above stated, that the enemy may be nearer than mmored, without a power of ascertaining it through our own men on whom we depend, and would, if necessary, ascertain the moments of the enemy, however distant, had we but a few horses. In this extremity I will assure you, that as far as our strength goes, we will, Lill reinforced, use it both in spy service, and if drawn within the walls, will defend the garrison to the last. I beg leave to subscribe myself,

Your obedient servant J.C. Neill,

. Lieu tenant-colonel, commanding. of this takes a requisition to the chairman and

P.S. -The bearer



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