merchants & traders to this port complain much of paying duty on Gun Powder as it is all consumed by the army or nearly so & Goverr~rnent have to pay for it evenhrnlly there is now in this port belongmg to the Master of the Schooner Aurora 50 Kegs Powder which he will not land in consequence of the duly
Respectfully your obt Servt Geo. M. Collinsworth Collector
San Felipe de Austin 24th Jan. 1836
Hon. President & McmLers of the Genl Council Gent.
It is with great reluctance that I ask your permission lo leave your Hon. body to return to my home The situation of the country is such that it requires the united exertions of the Council lo sustain tlw Govt make the necessary provisions for sustaining the army in the field and preserving harmony among the people generally. If there were [lorn] a quorum of the C.ouncil [lorn] important. that period has now arrived and nothing could induce me to leave al this time, but a firm belief and settled conviction that I can do more good for my country elsewhere. I left home early last Fall with the expectation of returning al farthest the 25th or 30th days. My private a ff airs interest and business is in a most wretched condition-a detail, of which I will not trouble you with.But even that should nol induce me to leave at this lime, were I not strongly of the belief that I could prevail upon al least, 2 or 3 Members lo repair immediately to the Council-perhaps enough lo make a quoru.m. I believe I could also he the means of having provisions sent arr\nmcl to Copano & other places-and which must be done soon or else abandon the idea of keeping an army and recruiting Volunteers lo assist in [ torn I [ lorn I of the troops [lornJ provisions-The only r lorn I contained [in I Genl Austin's letter [just I rcccl is lo furnish the troops with provisions-and I see no prospect of ~(·lling provisions unless other mr.asures arc resorted to-save lho::;1'. aln·acly adoptrd Those members of the Council who hm•1'. hl'cn hl'r!' I any I
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