Jan 14 1836 to Mar 5 1836 - PTR, Vol. 4


The Advisory Committee recommends & advises the Acting Governor James W. Robinson to commission Lieut Francis Scott Nevill Lieutenant-Commandant or Lieutenant until a Marine corps can be created and organized. Texas is at this time in great want of men sufficiently acquainted with and experienced in nautical affairs to mann & command the vessels now in our service. Owing to the want of such men, our troops are in a great measure detained at the mouth of the Brasos, and thereby preventing them from entering into the Matamoros Expedition. It is also important to have competent officers to command, after the troops are landed at Copeno, to protect our Seacoast and commerce; and no individual slands so highly recommended to us as Lieut. Nevill. We therefore trust that your ExceUency wiJI commission Lieut. Nevill and order him directly to the mouth of the Brasos, where his services will be at this time of the utmost importance. Council HaU San Felipe Jany 24th 1836 D. C. Barrett Alexr Thomson E. Collard G. A. Pattillo J. D. Clements Advisory Committee [On verso:] Issued Comm. as Lt. of Marines to Lt. Frances Scott Nevill: Jany. 24, 1836. James W. Robinson [19041 [BARRETT ET AL RECOMMENDATlON] Council Hall; San Felipe, 24th Jan. 1836 The advisory Committee, would recommend to the Commillee on Finance, Lo draw on the Treasurer for the sum of te11 dollars, to defray the expenccs of V. Bennett, who came to this place from Lhe army on public business, and is now returning back to Lhe


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