Jan 14 1836 to Mar 5 1836 - PTR, Vol. 4

clanger than it has ever been, for party strife and party warfare is more lo be clrcacled than the din of arms now resounding throughout all Mexico against us. This state of things has grown out of the expedition to Matamoras, the Govn. being opposed lo il, and the council in its favor and I confess I was warmly in favor of the measure and I hope in God it will prosper as it is now under way, and the Late Govn. cannot stop it, I Hope! He has acted strangely and very imprudently and I fear to the great injury to the country al home and abroad. And I hope you wil counteract its baneful effects as much as is in your power by giving or ,vithholcling this information until you make the Loan contemplated by your mission as it may possibly effect seriously the credit of Texas abroad and without money and provisions speedily, we cannot predict or imagine the disastrous consequences to our unhappy and distracted country, do for God and your countries sake effecl a loan of some part of the one million loan and send it to the Treasurer or to the Genl. council, for if Henry Smith gets it there is no knowing what he may do with il $5,000 was handed him a few days ago, and he utterly refused to put it in the Treasury or under the control of the Genl. council, it was a gift to Texas from Mr. Hill of Tennessee for Texas. No inteligence from you has been received, Except a note from Genl. Austin dated January 1, in the Mississippi River, do advise us my dear Friends, For I know you have no object but the salvation of Texas we are in a perillous situation but I do not dispair though I have fears of ourselves. I am now performing the duties of Governor by virtue of a resolution of the council and I do most seriously say upon my honor much against my will, and my interest, and evry effort but the total abandonment of my post has been made by me, to avoid doing so I have pleaded with the late Governor to desist but in vain the printed enclosed paper will show you our proceedings in this matter. The Expedition against Matamoras will go on. the enemy of that measure cannot defeat it. This moment, we have advices that two vessels with 200 soldiers each from New York are looked for hourly having been spoken off Bahamas Island. enclosed is a proclamation and copy of Col. Newell's Letter, since however information has reached here that that the force at Lorado is only 300 men and none al Reofrco and that those al the former place is Col. Canallas and Col. Gonzales, who was ordered to scour the eounlry between San Antonio and the Rio Grande. We have information thal Genl. Santa


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