Jan 14 1836 to Mar 5 1836 - PTR, Vol. 4

{1897] [NEILL to SMITH]

Bexar Janry 23d 1836


To His Excellency Henry Smith Dear Sir

I ask the privilege of you to send to me here at this place a writ of Election for the volunteer Army now under my command to authorize them to Elect two delegates to the Convention to be held in Washington. The reasons I request this is that not a man here under my command will or can have a voice in an Election only by and through that method they are all Volunteers they arc all in favor of Independence Such men should be represented in the council of their Country and that too by men chosen from among themselves. The Citizens have all declared for us and will on the 1st day of next month take the oath to support the provisional Govt You have the highest regards of the whole Army and you shall be sustained for your firmness and Philanthropy

yours in hast verry Respectfully J.C. NeilJ Lt. Coln. Comd Bexar


San Felipe de Austin Jany. 23, 1836


Stephen F Austin, Wm. H. Wharton and B. T. Archer Esqrs. Gent. In the discharge of my official duty, it becomes incumbent on me, lo communicate to you the painful and humiliating fact that Henry Smith Esq. has been and is now suspended from acting as Governor, and the council has prefered serious and weighty charges and specifications against him, and cited him to trial, and.with a view to give him a fair and impartial Trial they gave him _the Election lo he tried either by the Council, or the next convention, and he chooses the latter which meets on the first day of March next, and I would heartily rejoice if that day was come, for our beloved country and home is now in my opinion in more real


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