that quarter, which it may be important for the Government lo know. Vcry respectfully, Your obedient servant, Lewis Cass.
~faj. Gen. E. P. Gaines, i\lcmpliis, Tennessee.
Commandancy of Bexar January 23rd 1836
To The Governor & Council San Felipe de Austin Sirs
I hasten to inform you that a Courricr has arrived here last night in Twenty days from St. Louis Potosi dispatched by Eugene Navaro to his brother bringing inteligence that Santa Anna has arrived at Saltillio with Three thousand troops, also that there are at the Town of Rio Grande Sixteen hundred more and that he makes Salti.llio his head quarters for the present, and further that he is instructed by the Government to raise forthwith Ten Thousand in such manner as he may think proper and proceed against Texas, which he says he will reduce to the State it originally was in 1820. I was also or at least Col. Buoy was informed yesterday confidential- ly by the Priest of this place who is a staunch Republican that it was the intention of Santa Anna to attack Copano and Labahia first and send but a few hundred cavalry against this place at the same time. If teams could be obtained here by any means to remove the Cannon and Public Property I would immediately destroy the fortifications and abandon the place, taking the men I have under my command here, to join the Commander in chief al Copanoe, of which I informed him last night immediately on the above information being Communicated to me. The foregoing information is received thr'u such a channel that the most implicit reliance may be aiven lo its correctne~ and veracity, as the parties are personally K~wwn to Coln Buoy and he says deserving the utmost confidence. Respectfully Your obt. Servt. J.C. Neill Lieut Coln. Commanding
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