Jan 14 1836 to Mar 5 1836 - PTR, Vol. 4


I do solcm nly swear that it will bear true allegiance lo Lhe Provisional Government of Texas or any future republican Governmenl thal may be hereafter declared, and that I will serve her honestly and failhfully against all her enemies and opposers whatsoever, and observe and obey the orders of the Governors of Texas, the orders and decrees of the present or future aulhorities and the orders of the officers appointed over me according to the rules and articles for the government of Texas. 'So help me God.'


Henry S. Stouffered I-1. B. Durham J. H. Taylor Luke M. Bast Oliver Fainsworth Achilles Marr 0. T. Brown W.W. Bell Luke Skinner K. H. Douglass T. B. Hunter George Johnson T. S. Wallen Abner Glidwell John Fox David Cowens M. H. Randolph David Furguson George Waggoner Henry Williams Archibald Henry James Windsor Christopher C. Stilley A. Herney, Jr. John Smith

John C. Allison Wm. M. Berryhill John Frederick Edward W. Taylor Jas. Greenwood James Wilkinson Wiliam H. Hinkey John Yiven James A. Lylorster John Dursy T. C. Thompson Thomas Z. James Camba G. B. Raymond William C. Hays Christopher C. Bruff John D. Lodgeback Jacob Eyler David Crocket Henry W. Hardeman J. G. Washingl_on William Pallon Daniel Murphy Asa Reinharl John H. Dillan L. Allen James Armslrong

W. H. H. Smith Isaac R. Mitchell

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