For God and Liberty. General Headquarters of Leona Vicario. January 22, 1836. Antonio Lopez de Santa Ana. Excellent Senor General, D. Vicente Filisola, Second in Command of the Army of Operations. (1891] [SANTA ANNA to FILISOLA]
Army of Operations Excellent Senor:
With your Excellency's note of the 20th of this month, I received the original declaration of the soldier of the company from Bejar, Rafael Morales, which was sent to you by General Ramirez. For God and Liberty. General Headquarters of Leona Vicario. January 22, 1836. Antonio Lopez de Santa Ana. Excellent Senor General of Division, D. Vicente Filisola, Second in Command of the Army of Operations. [ 1892) [SANTA ANNA to FILISOLA]
Army of Operations Excellent Senor:
I am advised by your Excellency's official letter of the 20th of this month of the wise dispositions which General D. Joaquin Ramirez y Sesma has ordered taken to facilitate the crossing of the Rio Grande, which measures meet with my approval. For God and Liberty. General Headquarters of Leona Vicario. January 22, 1836. Antonio Lopez de Santa Ana. Most Excellent Senor General of Division, D. Vicente Filisola, Second in Command of the Army of Operations.
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