Jan 14 1836 to Mar 5 1836 - PTR, Vol. 4

supplied them, but rather they must pay for them with exactness according lo I heir just prices. "With this in mind, your Excellency will please inform all the authorities in the Department under your command thus, so that through your zeal there might not be the least abuse of this kind, informing me opportunely of any that you might notice, so that I may be able lo designate a remedy, inasmuch as all citizens must give the necessary aid lo the troops of the Nation in their marches, there is no reason why they should be deprived of the pay which they should deserve for the provisions which they give up, nor will I be able lo allow that such a thing be permitted." With this motive 1 reassure your Excellency of my regard and esteem, and I transcribe it to your ExceUency so that you will let it be known to the troops at that point, Rio Grande, and Laredo. For God and Liberty. General Headquarters of Leona Vicario. January 22, 1836. Antonio Lopez cle Santa Ana. Excellent Senor General, D. Vicente Filisola, Second in Command of the Army of Operations. [ 1890] [SANTA ANNA to FILISOLA]

Army of Operations Excellent Senor:

Several complaints having been called to my attention about the divisions of Generals Ramirez y Sesma and Cos, and of some bold pickets who have been demanding, on credit, supplies of all kinds from the towns and farms in their transit, without having paid for them to the present clay, on the pretext that they did not have the money lo do so. Your ExceUency will see to it that the above-mentioned generals pay the amounts which they may owe, from the last sum of money that was sent in charge of Colonel D. Ricardo Dromundo, warnina them that nolhina shall 0 0 be taken without paying for it al its fair price, because a favorable opinion of the army demands it, and your Excellency will strive to sec that this disposition is executed.


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