To Cash Commissions charged me on same To Cash Wilcos & Andrews Cr By cash collected from other individuals and
30.00 500.00 $3,250.00
retained lo pay Stales
due RC. $2,928.00 The above account sent lo Bogert & Hawthorn to Collect 22d January 1836. l\'lacon 18th January 1836 As Chairman of the meeting held in behalf of Texas in the City, I certify that the assessed account of Twenty nine hundred and Twenty six dollars is the correct amount paid by Robert Collins for the purpose of sending Volunteers to Texas-and further, I take this occasion lo say that but for the asertions and advances made by the said Colins the Expedition from this place would not and could not have been made out and furnished as it was I therefore most respectfully recommend that the Claims of the said Collins upon that Government be favourably considered by the proper authorities- very Respectfolly
Sevi Eckly Chairman
State of Georgia City of Macon
The undersigned Committee appointed by the Citizens of Macon, after full examination of the Vouchers and receipts produced to us, do hereby certify that Dr. Robert Collins has expended the sum of Twenty nine hundred and Twenty six dollars, in fitting out an expedition Commanded b Col. Ward from this city to the Province of Texas-We further slate it as our conviction that said Expedition would never have moved a step from home, without the patriotic aid of Doctor Collins in Furnishing the means recessary its expences, and recommend that his claims should be recognised by the Government of Texas, and discharged whereas the said Government shall become able lo meet its obligations Macon 20th Jany. 1836. Signed Robert Aug Beall Levi Eekly James A Wesbitt Thao G Holk
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