Columbia 14th Jany 1836
To the president of the council San Felipe Dr Sir
I reached here late last evening & found the enclosed petition-which had only been started a day or two no one man has I am told refused to assign it who has seen it the one below which was started some time since has more than doubled the number The citizens are much gratified at the prospect of his removal I hear but one opinion in relation to the affair between the Govr & Council. Waller who helped to put him in says If Smith can not give some good reason for it & he says he can immagin nothing that could excuse him he is done with him for ever. It is said that the privateer Brutus is off the mouth. I neglected to get the inducement or pay offered to seamen in the service of the Govt. I will send an express from the mouth of the River & give you the news Your obt sert Thomas F. McKinney [ l 781] [MONESTERIO to BUTLER] National Palace of the Government, Mexico, January 14, 1836. The undersigned, chief officer of the Department of Foreign Relations charged with the affairs of the same, has the honor to enclose to Mr. Anthony Butler, in the course of business, a copy of the communication made to him from the Department of Hacienda, dated the 12th instant, setting forth the resolution of the Supreme Government, which declares the ports of Galveston and Matagorda closed, conformably with the decree of the 22d of February, 1832, as long as they continue to be occupied by the rebels of Texas. The undersigned embraces this opportunity to renew, &c. Jose Maria Ortiz Monasterio. To thr. Charge D' Affaires, &c.
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