Jan 14 1836 to Mar 5 1836 - PTR, Vol. 4

10. Calomel, 12. Bottles Quinine I lb Opium 4 lbs Laudanum

4 do Paregoric l lb Tar Emel 2 lbs lpecac,

6 Lunar Caustics 4 lbs Castile Soap I lb red precip.

½ do corrosive sublimate 2 hollies Cal Magnesia, 6 Bowel Syringes 12. Bottles Casler Oil 6 lbs Lint 6 Small wedgewood mortars and pestles

6 Files and spatulas 4 lbs Gum Arabic, Materials for six large tents, for the Sick, with blankets, for bedding, etc. W. Richardson Sug. Gen. of the Army of Texas List of medicines purchased in N. Orleants Jan. 21, 1836-an additional supply will be needed from N. York S. F. Austin (1874] [ROBINSON lo PONTON]

Executive Departmcn·l January 21st. 1836

To Andrew Ponton Esq. Sir

The sum of three hundred dollars have been placed in the hands of Gen! Edward Burleson who is directed to pay the same over lo you to be appropriated for procuring supplies for the army. You will recicve the same of Genl. Burleson. Matthew Caldwell has notice that you will rccicve this amount and is instructed lo draw on you for it, as he has heretofore drnwn for State funds in your hands James W. Robinson acting Governor


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