from which il will appear Lhat Lhe examinalion was thorough and rigid, and that information was sought especially from those who were mosl interested in ohlaining it. The paper D contains a notice of the issue of the examination.
I have the honor lo be, Very respectfully, Your Obedient servant, Henry Carleton
Hon. John Forsyth,
Secretary of Stale, Washington City [1872)
Velasco, January 21, 1836. To his Excellency James W. Robinson, Governor, and General Council of Texas. I had the honor on yesterday, to make a hurried report of my proceedings up to thal date, and can now only confirm the same by saying that I think we will sail for Copano this evening, if the stale of weather will admit of our crossing the bar. I have at this place about two hundred and fifty men, and nearly one hundred in waiti11g at Matagorda Pass, who came out on the Brutus, and under command of captain Shackleford, from North Alabama. Our fleet will call, and all go down to Aransas in company; and GOD willing, and the weather fair, I hope to make a favorable report lo you from Copano by the 27Lh inst. I have employed the schooners Columbus and Flora as lenders, being of light draught of water, and can pass up to the landing with safety. I shall take the two four-pound brass field pieces left by general Mexia, and two olher pieces to be left for Lhe use of Lhe fortifications, being or to be creeled at Copano. I have senl forward proper officers to procure and have in readiness carts and teams to transport the necessary provisions and camp equipage; and trust that no delay will be experienced in making rapid progress lo the poinl of destination. Wilh regard to any anticipated diffic111"ies wilh lhe general-in-chief, you need have no sort of apprehensions; I shall never make any myself. The objeel in view, will be Lhe governing principle; and should general Houslon be ready and willing lo lake
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